Treatment Plans

TREATMENT PLANS WORK. They give patients a holistic, personalized approach to their care, improving outcomes and patient satisfaction.


  1. Are long-term

  2. Offer a mixture of treatments and products

  3. Include maintenance and prevention tips and offerings

  4. Educate on the what, when, why, and how

  5. Offer options that fit with your lifestyle and budget

  6. Give you all of the details, both positive and negative

  7. Include a schedule with expected results every step of the way


Every treatment plan will include the what, when, why, and how. What treatments and products do you need? When are your appointments? Why are these the best options for you? How will this plan help you achieve your goals? We will discuss these during the consultation and provide them in the printed treatment plan.


Patients benefit from a long-term strategy that includes treatments that provide immediate results while offering maintenance packages and home products. 


Prevention plans work especially well for younger patients who wish to delay the signs of aging; however, prevention programs work for almost everyone. We will educate you  on prevention, offer advice and products, and assist you with packages that help you look and feel your best.


Lifestyles, schedules, and budgets vary. We can offer multiple options and explain the benefits and drawbacks of each plan, as catered to your lifestyle. We can offer a shorter term strategy if you are unsure about the longer term plans, or perhaps offer more aggressive treatments to give you immediate results before moving to gentler maintenance procedures.


Treatment plans will include expectations on the patient, both for keeping their appointments and for at-home maintenance. They will also include the benefits and drawbacks of their treatments, expected side-effects, and risks. We will remind you how important it is to stick with the plan to ensure the best outcome. Finally, remember that results vary from person to person and, based on your needs, the plan may require some updates later on. 

We’re dedicated to providing the highest level of care and the best possible results for our clients. Our treatment plans are a testament to this commitment. By combining personalized care, comprehensive education, and evidence-based treatments, we help you achieve (and maintain) your goals.