Longevity Medicine

We used to think aging was inevitable. However, research has definitively shown you can stall and reverse the aging process. Longevity medicine is legitimate science. Aging is a choice. A healthy life span means being healthier for longer. We all want to maintain a pain-free and healthy life, and there are many things we can do that will allow us to live that way. Living a healthy and vibrant lifestyle shouldn’t be daunting, overcomplicated or expensive. 

In our practice, we address is you: the individual. We’ll examine your medical history, medical records, blood work, hormone levels, dietary habits, sleep habits, supplements, medications and family history. Through careful examination and a thorough consultation with Dr. Bloch, we can help improve your vitality, promote hormone balance, improve sleep and aid in weight loss. 

There’s the old joke… an old man was asked his secret to a long life. His answer was, “If I knew I was gonna live this long, I would’ve taken better care of myself.” Allow yourself to learn about the aging process and what you can do to be happier and healthier in the future. The future is now.


  • Bioidentical Hormones

  • Thyroid Treatment & Optimization

  • Bowel Issues

  • Perimenopause & Menopause

  • Low Libido

  • Cortisol Testing

  • Adrenal Fatigue

  • Nutritional Counseling