Best in office treatments for the neck

Have you ever accidentally opened your camera on selfie mode? YIKES! We can’t always control the camera angle. The neck is a complicated little area on the body. We often get the face looking great without taking into consideration the neck. We need to care for the neck early on and not neglect the lower half of our upper self! Early intervention is best but it’s never too late to make it look better. The advances in technology have given us lots of amazing options for the neck. Here is a short list of issues and remedies for the aging neck:

Best in office treatments for the neck:

Red spots, sun damage and poikiloderma:

LASER LASER LASER. We love the fast and affordable Photofacial. It’s that easy. Even out he skin on your neck so it looks as great as your face. Get rid of red spots, broken capillaries, brown spots and sun damage in 2 sessions. Don’t be a redneck!

Wrinkles, necklace lines, horizontal lines, laxity and crepey skin:

Hello TOOLS! Resurfacing is the way to go for these issues. The tried and true is laser resurfacing with the 1540 Erbium Yag. I like to use the XF (Xtra Fine) handpiece for a fabulous improvement in the texture AND tone of the skin (combine with photofacial for the best result).

But move over and say hello to Intensif RF microneedling. A non laser device, this has quickly become an office favorite. Because of the addition of Radio Frequency, you get an AMAZING improvement in laxity and leathery skin.

Vertical Bands:

Platysmal bands can be treated with the Nefertiti Neck lift which uses Botox.

Loose skin:

Tighten it up! Radio frequency has long been the gold standard in skin tightening. We have several different tool to deliver the goods. Thermage the OG and still the #1.

Our newest skintightning tech is 3 DEEP. Skin tightening made easy. Relaxing and excellent results!

And then my baby: Intensif. RF MIcroneedling. Texture and tightening.

Technology and office treatments make a fantastic improvement in the aging neck.