Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

As we age, our hormone levels decline. We simply chalk it up to aging, and suffer or become uncomfortable. But aging is optional! The decline in health and functioning typically associated with aging is not inevitable. Many of these changes are a result of hormone imbalances and nutritional deficiencies, which are potentially reversible. You can keep those hormone levels up with the use of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. You will feel healthy and vibrant with optimized hormones. Common symptoms of hormone imbalance can be effectively treated with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance include:

  • Difficulty sleeping at night

  • Lack of energy and fatigue during the day

  • Reduced mental focus, memory and poor concentration

  • Moody, anxious or depressed

  • Weight gain, including increased fat around the midsection

  • Inability to lose weight regardless of healthy diet and exercise

  • Decreased muscle strength

  • Muscle and/or joint pain

  • Reduced sexual desire and performance

Finding the right hormone balance offers women significant benefits. Research has also shown that hormone therapy improves overall health by reducing the risk of disease. Dr. Dean Bloch’s unique focus is not simply on prescribing, but combining the appropriate dosage and delivery method to balance hormones. Each person is different, and their needs change over time. That’s why Dr. Bloch creates an individualized program designed for each patient that prevents the symptoms that are so commonly associated with the aging process. Bioidentical hormones are specifically compounded to identically match what your body once produced. If you’d like to feel energized, sleep better, lose weight and be healthier, contact Dr. Dean Bloch today to schedule a consultation. Get in Balance today!

Benefits of Hormone Therapy include:

  • Increased Energy

  • Better Sleep

  • Stabilized Moods

  • Physical, Mental and Emotional Support


By Consultation