
Photofacials are the use of intense pulsed light that improves the appearance of sun damaged and aging skin. It is a safe and effective way to reduce brown spots, freckles, underlying redness, veins, vessels and flushing often associated with rosacea. Ultimately, giving you beautiful, radiant, youthful, and clearer skin.


What do Photofacials treat?

Photofacials are fantastic at reducing brown spots, freckles, and ages spots associated with sun damage. Additionally, Photofacials also wonderful at boosting collagen, toning down facial veins, vessels and underlying redness associated with rosacea. Red cheeks and chins, broken capillaries around the nose, and redness associated with acne can effectively be treated with a series of photofacials.


How does the Photofacial treatment work?

RADIANT skin! Expect more luminous, youthful, and clearer looking skin. Your skin tone and complexion will be a perfect combination of a blemish free, clear and even canvas. Photofacial patients have a high degree of satisfaction with their results. Expect to see a gradual decrease in redness, broken capillaries, flushing, irregular pigmentation, pore size, and fine lines. After each treatment, the skin will feel smoother and appear to have a more even tone. Photofacial is often used in treating rosacea. As many as seventy million Americans have undesirable redness and/or sun damaged skin. Rosacea is a common skin condition characterized by redness and flushing skin. Sun exposure, alcohol, medications, stress, and aging may cause flairs of rosacea. Photofacial treatments control flushing and, in many cases, reduce the need for topical cortisone creams and antibiotics.


Is there downtime?

The downtime is minimal. You may return to your normal routine post treatment. However, in the coming days you will notice a darkening of age spots and freckles with mild swelling. Blotchy, mild swelling is normal and to be expected. A mild sunburn feeling is common. After treatment the skin may look a little flushed for a short period of time.You must avoid the sun and wear a stand alone 30 SPF sunblock at all times. There is a relatively easy recovery and low risk associated with this procedure. We always encourage you to plan accordingly as some clients experience a greater reaction.


Does Photofacial hurt?

No, photofacials do not hurt. At most, you may experience minimal discomfort. The laser emits a bright flash accompanied with a light “rubber band snap.” Your eyes will be protected with wavelength appropriate goggles. Rest assured, our priority is to make sure you are completely comfortable and get the best treatment possible.


Am I a good candidate?

If you have uneven skin tone, hyperpigmentation, spider veins, vessels, broken capillaries, rosacea or just want to have radiant, rejuvenated skin, then yes! The photofacial can be used to treat redness caused by acne, facial veins, as well as discoloration caused by aging and sun damage. Best candidates for laser work are fitzpatrick types 1-4 with no tan. We will asses your skin type when you come to our office. This treatment is not ideal for darker skin types 5-6.


How do I prepare for Photofacials?

Avoid the sun. You can not be tan or have had too much sun exposure before treatment. Avoid tanning booths and self tanners as well. Have a microdermabrasion or chemical peel to prepare your skin for the best possible treatment.


What is the difference between a Photofacial and Laser Resurfacing?

Photofacials address the tone and complexion of the skin. Laser resurfacing addresses the texture of the skin and is great for wrinkles, scars, acne scars, stretchmarks.


Do I need multiple sessions?

During consultation, we will determine how many you will need. For optimal results, we recommend 3-5 photofacial treatments (3-4 weeks apart) depending on the amount of damage to the skin. After the initial series, maintenance sessions are needed. Each session takes about 30-45 minutes.


How long do the results last from Photofacial?

The longevity of your results depend on you! Results will last longer if you maintain proper skin care which includes sunblock every day!


Can I combine Photofacial with other procedures?

Absolutely! We encourage you to prep your skin with a mild exfoliating treatment, either a microdermabrasion or chemical peel to enhance your photofacial. After your photofacial, we love to use our LED to speed healing, and stimulate collagen for optimal rejuvenation.


What are the side effects and risk factors of Photofacial?

Photofacial is a safe, common and quick procedure with little risk. However, swelling, blistering, infection, unwanted pigmentation changes and scarring are rare side effects. Existing viral infections such as shingles and herpes may be activated by the treatment.



Call for a chat with a specialist who will listen to you and carefully explain all your options: 845 339 LASER (5273), or fill out the following form and we will contact you within 24 hours: